Me Myself And Eyeeee.

OllieJackson,Upandcomin BritishSnowboarder,, Loves Snowboarding..Surfing..Skateboarding..Photography..Art..TredsN'Threads..Sportss and many many moree..Keeep Ya Eyess Peelllleddd...! doingotherthings. Thanks to his sponsors... Quiksilver, Magictoast, Stepchild, FlUXBindings, Celsius, Fearofthepark,ATGLDN..!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Canadian Open Part2 And Morzinee

Supp Peoplee. So yehh canada was sickkk had an amazing timee shrediin out in cowtownn, learnt new tricks went bigger in the pipe, am stokedd :)

Sooo now im in morzine, been here a week with the GBTeam. Beeen a good laugh but few have gone home today. last day shredding tomorow, so jts gona have fun and get some sweet airiall manuvesss downn, unfortunately wether hasnt been great but beensnowing which iss goood, and lukky that the big pack is now in the trees so has more shelter :)

We had a sickk pipe sesh 3days ago and got somee cool picss which i'll posst upp.

For noww, stay safe.x

Monday, February 1, 2010

Canadian Open (canada week2)

So Its thee start of the 2nd week and the start of the Burton Candian Open.
Today we had practice for halfpipe with was good fun, got few back and front5s down which im qwite stoked on just needa work on em and go higherrr. Its pritty crazy out here with big tricks going down! So qualifyers tomorrow is going to be pritty hard! This is allso one of the biggest pipes ive ever riden, proper olympic standard and i can now see how hard it iss to go that big out of it! but even though its big its way fun and you can just super charge at it which is great for me learning to ride pipe properly

So qualifying for pipe tommorw, hopefully the slopestyle is built too, and should have some practice for that aswell.

Ill let you know the happenings tomorrow on how i dooo,